For sometime we have said we are much more than a car club. There is nothing quite so fulfilling as getting to share this amazing club with others. Our spring cruise this year was much more then just a cruise. We made this young boy Noah an honorary member. This is a first for our club, so aside from being a welcome addition to Arizona VOA club, he is the youngest member of our club.
Noah was diagnosed with Leukemia about 2 years ago. His dream was to get a ride in a viper, so we reached out to our National VOA President Alex about making Noah an honorary member; he was thrilled with that idea. National sent Noah his very own viper ID badge along with a VOA fleece Jacket. The Arizona region also gave a club T-shirt and hat.
On Saturday, after breakfast we staged for the Rose Parade. Noah got his choice of which car he wanted to ride in the parade. He picked the red convertible with flaming dice. His father and sisters showed up too. His sisters got to ride in the parade viper cars as well. If you’d never seen true happiness, we all sure saw it that day.
Hosting this fun event is a great way to bring people together to help lift this youngsters spirits. We all say come for the cars and stay for the people. For everyone that was there, they will never forget this weekend, and the smiles on Noah’s face!